Prairie PROducers will work with end users to determine which hemp fiber product best works in which applications. Prairie PROducers has the capability to process hemp using the entire stalk, including the dust.
Bast Fiber
Long fibers from the bark of the hemp stalk can be processed into technical textiles and fabric textiles, aka – bast, fiber, hemp fiber, Industrial hemp
- Geotextiles
- Cordage
- Paper
- Mats
- Plastics Reinforcement/Filler
- Thermal/Sound Insulation
- Fiberglass Replacements
- Concrete Reinforcement
- Construction Materials
- Brakes/ Clutch Linings
- Clothing
- Shoes
- Accessories
- Diapers
Shorter fibers form the inner core of the hemp stalk, aka – shiv, wood
- Absorption Products
- Potting Mix
- Fiberboard
- Animal Bedding
- Hempcrete
- Pet Litter
- Pharmaceutical
- Consumables
Green Microfiber
- Skin Care Products
- Pet Food Supplements
- Infused Beverages
- Biochar
Technical Fluids
- Lubricants
- Solvents
- Oil Paints
- Varnishes
- Oil
- Protein Flour
- Seeds
- Beet
- Animal Feed
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